Friday, August 6, 2010

How come I never see any baby squirrels, rabbits or pigeons in?

the cityHow come I never see any baby squirrels, rabbits or pigeons in?
Becasue, by the time they are big enough to leave the protection of their parents, they are about as big as the parent, and can be confused with the adults.How come I never see any baby squirrels, rabbits or pigeons in?
Because baby squirrels, rabbits, pigeons, and other animals stay in their nests and dens until they are old enough to fend for themselves.
pigeons ,grow up in the nest .when they are almost the same size as the parents they fly out

i am sure you have seen baby pigeons but never realised it ,they are thinner ,that the parents and the difference in size is minute

your vision is dulled by civilization

people that are accustomed to looking for detail will tell you straight away which pigeons are the babies

the same goes for squirels and rabbits

but they hardly live in the city

we got a lot of squiirels in my garden and some times one fall out of a nest when there is a storm

and they were tiny the size of a mouse

and the rabits are also very small and fluffy when they are just born ,but in a few weeks they are already almost the size of an adults

but weigh far less.

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