There mother may find them an carry them off it they are still out side. If their eyes are closed then they are not eating solid food yet. If that is the case they are very young. Keep them on the branch an hopefully their mother will find them an take them. she will pick them up in her mouth such as a cat dose with its kittens. If they aren't taken soon call your local shelter an tell them. They may come out an get them for you.Help! I found 3 baby squirrels that fell from their nest and it's midnight!?
Honestly they would be better off if you try again to find them a safe spot in the tree with the cat inside not watching what you are doing You can use a med to small card board box and double the bottom add some leaves cut a few holes around the top of the box and ron rope through to tie it in the tree when the parents hear the babies cry and know its safe they will care for them Sometimes when you take them to a rehabilitation center they end up food for there birds of prey they are waiting to release back Iam sorry to say this but I have seen it I know its hard but its nature it sucks sometimes
If you want to take on hand feeding just research hand feeding baby squirrels you can make formula your self but thats a big step and not legal to keep them they also carry disease and can be infested with tics and lice I have known some one who raised one and it came to visit him all the time after releasing it
dont leave the box outside, bring it inside away from the cat and give them a towel or blanket, cover the box so they dont get out but so they can breath but there isnt anything you can do till u take them to that wildlife place.. check them tho, if that cat got one of them then you should take them to a vet or somewhere. they could even die over night if they are hurt, so check them like now!!
if you have like goat milk or kitten, or puppy milk you could give it to them from a dropper, but they really are proble soo dehydrated they need Subq IV fluids. Do not touch them much use a towel, or you could but them in the nest to see if mom comes back, but they have a sent on them now. Make sure you keep them warm.
Well sounds fun... really, if they have peach fuzz looking fur (light grey)thier probably to young to make it... If thier fur is normal squirrel lookin but thier eyes aint open yet they may make it...
My sister kind of had the same thing happen last year... and only 1 of the 2 survived... and she raised ginger and when she was a teenager aged squirrel she was returned to the wild....
yeah we're from the southern part of America...
get'er done....
you should put alot of padding, like towels underneath inside the box so the squirrels wont be cold or frightened and try giving them some nuts of some sort.
and best thing to do is look on google or some internet site they should be able to help.
Take to that shelter. Until then, keep the cat locked up, and supply some food. They might be too young to eat solid food, so get some milk and give it to them.
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