Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What are baby squirrels called?

They are called babies or infants while in the nest. Then for their first year they're referred to as Juveniles. After their first year, they become adults and are simply called squirrels.What are baby squirrels called?
Squirrelkins. No, they're really called kits (male) or kittens (female), and collectively pups.What are baby squirrels called?
baby squirrels......... didn鈥檛 even have to type it just cut and pasted it from your question that brilliance alone should be worth ten points thanks
I was extremely disappointed to discover that they're just called ';babies or infants while in the nest. Then for their first year they are referred to as juveniles.';

Something should be done about this. At the very least I expected 'kittens'!
You are all wrong, according to the Field Guide to North American Rodents and Reptiles, they are called Squirts.
baby squirrels
its not chipmunks thats a totaly different anamale.

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