Friday, August 6, 2010

Why do you never see baby squirrels?

Because I seldom look into drays, however, in late spring I see loads of young squirrels but they quickly grow so it's difficult to tell them apart from adult squirrels.Why do you never see baby squirrels?
The same reason you don't see baby pigeons lolWhy do you never see baby squirrels?
Until 2 weeks ago I'd never seen baby squirrels. Then I looked out the front window and saw a momma squirrel leading around 4 little ones. Got out the binoculars and watched them for about a half hour. I also saw something else I'd never seen before when the mother stood on her hind legs: squirrel nipples. Just some other things you figure must exist, but rarely or never see. They must be living in my oak tree. I haven't seen them since.
I do sometimes one falls out of th e nest if there is a huricane .

they tend to stay in the nest until they are almost as big as the parents ,as with a lot of birds

you have probably seen them but your untrained eye did not notice the difference ,they are slightly smaller and skinnier
I've been wondering the same about pigeons - you never see baby pigeons....
stay in the drey (nest) an awful lot when they are young, only very small trips out to learn their environment - get upto a decent size fairly quick as well. best time to see is round a well-established nesting site at dawn and dusk
maybe their mothers are afraid to let them go around x they may keep em safe just incase x
I have seen baby squirrels. You just have to be in the right place at the right time.
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